International Journal of Literature and Arts

Special Issue

Inequality in Fantasy Genre

  • Submission Deadline: 3 April 2022
  • Status: Submission Closed
  • Lead Guest Editor: Elnaz Nasehi
About This Special Issue
Fantasy genre in all its different forms creates a speculative fictional world usually adapted and inspired by myth and folklore. However, its speculative nature is not fully alienated from the world around us, and no matter how unfamiliar and weird its speculative universe, its social structures, norms and relations are rooted in contemporary societies. Therefore, it is important to study the way they are dealing with existing inequalities in societies. Within the mentioned scope, this special issue welcomes all research which addresses the way inequality is represented, either being challenged, subverted and eliminated or taken for granted and reproduced non-critically in various forms of fantasy genre from literature to cinema, TV series, computer games, etc.


  1. Inequality
  2. Fantasy Genre
  3. Gender Inequality
  4. Racial Inequality
  5. Literary Adaptation
  6. Speculative Fiction
Lead Guest Editor
  • Elnaz Nasehi

    Department of Film Design and Directing, Arkin University of Creative Art and Design, Nicosia, Cyprus